This is Teal’c favourite place to go, and he is able to enjoy it, many dogs have a hard time. The secret to having a well-behaved dog in an environment such as this is to introduce the environment to the dog in a controlled manner many times, even if it means to keep the dog on a tight leash and to walk in and out again. Remember that the dog will be overwhelmed by many great and wonderful smells and will want to mark this as his. THIS MEANS YOUR DOG WILL WANT TO URINATE. Do not let yourself be imbarised by this keep a close eye on your dog keep your dog under control, and soon you and your dog will be able to enjoy this type of outing.




This can be a traumatic experience for a dog, their sense of smell will be overwhelmed, on your first visit do not stop just walk around then leave give your dog a chance to get accustomed to this new enviroment. Now some dogs because their senses are overwhelmed, they will want to mark this as their territory be warned. Before you try this your dog should know the commands NO, SIT, STAY. This can be a very enjoyable outing for both you and your pet, important in socializing your pet. Always be respectful of others and their property, do not be one of those that give pet owners a bad name. Keep control of your pet at all times and the pet food store staff will love you and your pet. A special thankyou to CROQUE EN BOL ROXBORO  and their staff always egar and willing to help.

On this outing I was always in control of my dog, the lady who served us offered ways that she could serve us better. I  am sure if Teal’c was not as well-behaved the service would not have been as good and this. As a customer I expect good service but then again I must be a good customer, and that good also includes my behaviour and the behaviour of  whoever is with me including my dog.

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