This Week with Teal’c

Teal’c and I did a lot of walking this week, watched some ducks and the snow and ice quickly melt. Another week with a mixed up weather, cold, warm, hot, cold, rain, snow, but all in all it was a good week. Teal’c got to spend a lot of time with his long time friend Spencer,

Spencer who is outstanding in his field.

Spencer who is outstanding in his field.

We went shopping, and of course had to stop at the pet food store almost every day, all the while keeping a lookout for Ringo, the lost dog which has not been found yet. What happened to Ringo? Oh yes and our camera broke, that is something we can not go without.

Most of our time this week was watching spring working hard at arriving and the wild life return


and play duck,duck,duck,goose. Bad joke OK, but it is always nice to see the renewal of spring, and Teal’c being the good dog he is does not interfere with birds or animals, making it much easier to get these photos. Teal’c is hoping it will soon be warm enough to go swimming again.


Teal’c says Thank You

Teal’c and I were busy over the last two weeks, we went on three organized meetups one of which was to find a lost dog Ringo, he has not been found yet but yesterday on the search almost everyone we spoke to was aware of the lost dog. Teal’c and I are very thankful for all our readers help as the word has really gotten out and there are thousands keeping their eyes open, Thank you, thank you thank you.

The weather has gone from spring to winter and back to spring, and Teal’c got really excited yesterday while searching for Ringo we went by Twisty Cream (the ice-cream store) and it was open, he was not happy we did not stop so we will be going soon maybe today.

Teal’c and I are very thankful for the wonderful turnout for the search for Ringo, it was amazing considering the short notice and the weather, this only proves that you can count on your internet and Facebook friends.

Teal'c saying Thank You

Teal’c saying Thank You

Teal’c says,”Just one person sharing a post with a friend in Montreal can make all the difference”.


The Week with Teal’c

Finally the snow is melting and the ice in the river is starting to break up, and the ducks are back.


The melt that has happened over the last week is encouraging, seeing the ducks again is a sure sign that Spring is forcing Winter out.


Teal’c is happy to see the earth again, with all the long lost smells.

He is also enjoying the longer and more frequent walks as the temperature continues to climb.

Many of our favorite walking areas are under water now and it may be a couple of weeks before it dries our enough for us to return.

This change will be hard on Teal’c as like all other dogs he detests any change and causes him stress, so I will try to make our walks more frequent and play his favorite games more often to help release the stress.


Visiting friends is always a good stress release.